Year 6 Curriculum

History & Geography

Unit 4: Global Geography

Learning Objective - G4.1

I can compare land use of two or more locations with given criteria (e.g leisure, shopping, residential, etc.).

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective

Learning Objective - G4.2

I can give some reasons for the similarities and difference between my chosen places.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective

Learning Objective - G4.3

I can find out, compare and contrast places and the features in those places by either going to that place to observe or by deciding which will be the best sources of information to look at.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective

Learning Objective - G4.4

I can say how the physical and human features of a location can affect the human activity and can give examples of this (e.g. leisure and tourism in a hot country, cities near rivers etc.).

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective

Learning Objective - G4.5

I can compare places where people live and give reasons for their differences.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective

Learning Objective - G4.6

I can identify how a place where people live (settlement) has changed over time and give some reasons for this, using physical and human factors, e.g. knowing that settlements tend to grow outwards from a central point and that this puts pressure on surrounding farmland.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective

Learning Objective - G4.7

I can make careful measurements of rainfall, temperature, distances, depths (as appropriate) and record and analyze these in the most suitable way (including use of ICT).

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective

Learning Objective - G4.8

I can understand the position and significance of latitude, longitude, tropics, circles, time zones.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective

Learning Objective - G4.9

I can use knowledge of time zones to work out journey times around the world.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective